Osama Khabab


Osama Khabab is the founder and CEO of MotionCue, a creative video production agency based in New York. He helps brands succeed in the attention economy with video.

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Video Marketing Statistics: Top Trends for 2022 and Beyond

Here we look at how marketers used video to power up their marketing strategy and analyze emerging trends based on reputable statistics, so business can upgrade their approach to video content for 2022 and beyond.


Video Marketing KPIs That Are Crucial for Your Campaign

Because there are so many KPIs, it'd be counterproductive to keep track of each one.


KPI de video marketing que son cruciales para su campaña

Debido a que hay tantos KPI, sería contraproducente realizar un seguimiento de cada uno.

Social Media

Here's What Video Marketers Can Learn From Lil Nas X

Lil Nas X's rise to fame is backed by his understanding of the internet's attention economy.

Redes sociales

Esto es lo que los especialistas en marketing de videos pueden aprender de Lil Nas X

El ascenso a la fama de Lil Nas X está respaldado por su comprensión de la economía de la atención de Internet.


How to Keep Your Team of Creatives From Burning Out

Creative agencies thrive when the people who work there are in a healthy state of mind.

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